
Factoids about Jonathan Tasini

Union members are especially responding to Jonathan's message, and his 40-year union membership and leadership. He was president of UAW Local 1981. Jonathan has 27 union endorsements, by far the most in District 2, representing thousands of Portlanders: Teachers, retail workers, public employees, laborers, health care workers, truck drivers, janitors, electricians, ironworkers, carpenters, engineers, pipefitters, landscapers, workers who repair bridges, roads, sidewalks and bikeways, park rangers, painters, operating engineers, letter carriers, and auto workers.

Unions, unlike non-profit advocacy groups, have actual dues-paying members who are the core of our community and live in every corner of the district.

Renters have been especially drawn to Jonathan's campaign because of his emphasis on defending renters. As a life-long renter, he emphasizes when he speaks to voters that houselessness is an issue of economics: the minimum wage to rent a 2-BR place in PDX needs to be $32-an-hour (source: National Low Income Housing Coalition). Jonathan is the only candidate specifically calling for a hike, in stages, in the minimum wage to $25-an-hour. He supports the Renters Bill of Rights.

Climate change is central to Jonathan's appeal to voters across the district. He has worked closely with activists who are working to move the Critical Energy Infrastructure which poses a grave threat to the district and the entire city. This activism builds on his lifelong work on climate change and the environment. He has the sole endorsement of global climate change leader Bill McKibben (see below).

His message of thinking long-term, rather than knee-jerk short-term solutions, is resonating at the over 10,000 doors (as of October 19th) he personally has knocked on since May. For example, he is advocating for a four-day work week for the same pay, starting with public employees—a movement that is far advanced around the world, and is being embraced by private sector employers.

Some thoughts about Jonathan from key leaders:

“We need fighters like Jonathan Tasini taking the working class’s issues straight to the halls of power, from city council to the statehouse and beyond. As a 32-year UAW member, Jonathan knows what it takes to fight and win big for workers, and will always be on the front lines with labor”—Shawn Fain, president, UAW.

“Jonathan combines exactly what Portland needs: someone who doesn’t waver from core moral principles and someone who knows how to get things done”—Valdez Bravo, former vice-chair, Oregon Democratic Party.

"Rarely does a candidate come along who understands the fundamental economic proposition of the labor movement as well as Jonathan Tasini.  He will make a great city councilor because he understands that to rebuild Portland, we must focus on closing the wage and wealth gap”—Laurie Wimmer, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, NOLC.

Bill McKibben, founder and global climate leader, says, in his sole endorsement for any candidate: “Jonathan Tasini fights at the important intersection between environmental change and the lives of workers. It’s a crucial place to be.”

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NWOLC Endorsements

A great moment with endorsement by citywide labor movement and Jonathan explains the connection to the UAW's organizing victory in Tennessee!

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Jonathan gave a rip-roaring pro-Union vision of his campaign for City Council in a KOIN 6 interview!

Jonathan appeared on "Eye On Northwest Politics" to explain his vision for his campaign, and who he would represent on the City Council—the working people of the city! I

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Demand Rights For Cannabis Workers--Pass Measure 119!

Jonathan explains how Measure 119 expands the frame of thinking about the basic rights of cannabis workers.

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A Paycheck Is Not Red or Blue

On March 23rd 2024, Jonathan spoke to a packed house at Local 48 of the IBEW—the first union to endorse his campaign for Portland's City Council District 2. In this short speech, Jonathan's theme was simple: a paycheck is not red or blue, it's the color of the bills that can be paid with a decent paycheck. The broader crisis we face is taking on the economic system that has enriched a few at the expense of everyone else. Houselessness is the end result of people not being able to afford the rent because a paycheck is too meager. And we can change the system with union power at the center of a movement.

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Carpenters Canvass

Jonathan met up with members of the Carpenters at 6AM before they distributed literature in the district to promote the union's endorsement of our campaign

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